National Dental Hygiene Month

October is National Dental Hygiene Month! We hope you are celebrating by brushing and flossing. Dental hygiene is the foundation of oral health. By brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes, you are effectively removing the bio film that is made of bacteria that erodes enamel and causes decay. And don’t forget about flossing too! Gliding floss in between the contacts of teeth is the only way to remove bio film that is stuck between your teeth.

Dental hygienists take pride in promoting prevention and a healthy microbiome for your pearly whites. The role of a dental hygienist is to assess oral health, remove stain and polish teeth, and guide patients to a healthy mouth.

At The Children’s Dental Center, Lisa and Sue are our two awesome dental hygienists. Both Sue and Lisa hold Bachelor’s degrees in Dental Hygiene. Both Sue and Lisa are gentle, compassionate health professionals that have a true talent for caring for the pediatric population.

Give us a call at 908-526-1600 to schedule your appointment at The Children’s Dental Center.

October is National Dental Hygiene Month!

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